You can double the pastors serving your church body in one day! Considering the current number of vacancies in the Wisconsin Synod, that claim sounds like an internet scam. But that’s what has happened to our mission partners in Nigeria.
Continue reading “Double the Pastors”Love to Tell the Story
“I love to tell the story…the old, old story of Jesus and his love” (CW 746)
Dr. Terry Schultz has twice the love to tell the story of Jesus and his love, and he’s done it on four continents. As the Artistic Development Missionary at WELS Multi-Language Productions, Terry puts pictures and poems into the service of the Gospel. He has helped create original music for worship and illustrated Bible instruction manuals for use in WELS World Mission fields. God has given him this tremendous talent, and we thank God for his gifts to our church body.
Continue reading “Love to Tell the Story”Nsome, a-Yesu (Thank You Jesus)
Eleven years ago, Pastor Mesue Muankume Israel, age 32, had so much leg pain that he got surgery to replace his left hip. Thank you, Jesus.

Four years ago, though, Pastor Israel, the only professor at the seminary of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon in Kumba, Cameroon, again started having bad hip pain. Same hip.
Thank you, Jesus?
Continue reading “Nsome, a-Yesu (Thank You Jesus)”