Double the Pastors

You can double the pastors serving your church body in one day! Considering the current number of vacancies in the Wisconsin Synod, that claim sounds like an internet scam. But that’s what has happened to our mission partners in Nigeria.

Tried and True Teaching

Christ the King Lutheran Church of Nigeria is based in the town of Uruk Uso, and All Saints Lutheran Church of Nigeria is headquartered in Ogoja.  Until now, each of those synods has had nine men serving in the public ministry of the Gospel. After five years of study during some unique circumstances, our mission partners each received nine new pastors on 11th June 2022.  We praise the Lord for doubling the number of pastors who will shepherd God’s people with the truth of his Word.

the combined graduating class of Christ the King and all Saints Lutheran Churches of Nigeria

You may ask, “What were  the unique circumstances under which these men studied?”  For many years, the WELS has sent missionaries trained at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to Nigeria four or five times per year.  Those missionaries reviewed what the students had learned with their previous teachers. They taught new material at the seminary in Uruk Uso. In addition, they provided direction and study materials for the coming months until the next teacher came.  In the meantime, Nigerian Pastor Aniedi Paul Udo directed their studies.

That’s how Lutheran pastors serving in Nigeria have received their training until now. But that’s not how we trained the current class of graduates.

Flexible and Faithful

WELS provided the students with food and materials to study. However, WELS was unable to send visiting missionaries due to concerns about their safety. Director Udo and I tried to communicate from time to time, but the internet was not always reliable. The two of us often felt that we were going in different directions.  It has been a crazy five years and we have all learned much.  I’d like to believe through this time of transition, our students learned about the need to be flexible and open to change. These are invaluable qualities for Gospel ministers.

Joyfully celebrating God’s gift of kingdom workers

Pastor Udo and I fulfilled our duties as well as we could under the circumstances. But at the end of the day, we are trusting the Holy Spirit to transform these Nigerian students into faithful servants of God.  And that isn’t unique. In all of our ministry partners’ worker training programs around the world, the success of building God’s kingdom depends on the Holy Spirit. We plant the seeds and wait for the crop – a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown (Mt. 13:8). Or even double the pastors.

Missionary Dan Kroll lives in Malawi and serves as One Africa Team’s liaison to West Africa

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