Recently I’ve been digging through old photos, looking over the 25 years I’ve lived in Malawi as a missionary wife. There are an amazing amount of memories that come to mind looking over those pictures. My husband, Paul, was assigned to Malawi when he graduated from the Seminary in 1993. In remembering those early years, and comparing them to our life here today, several things came to mind.
Continue reading “Learning to Love Malawi”If We Settle on the Far Side of the Sea
How was this winter in Minnesota, where I have been a pastor since 2015? Long. Is that why some of us are moving to Africa, and the others hope to visit? No. Above is our family by the Gulf of Mexico. It was January 1. We were in Sarasota, Florida, where we used to live. From left to right: Dan; Donovan, 14; Drew, 12; Danae, 22; Deb; Deanna 25; Daria, 18; and David, 21. Three of us — Dan, Deb and Drew — are getting ready to head across an even bigger body of water than the Gulf. I’ve been called as theological educator for the One Africa Team.
Continue reading “If We Settle on the Far Side of the Sea”Ready for Either
Don’t laugh. Ok, maybe you did already. Perhaps if you looked at the picture above before you started reading, you wondered what it was; and maybe you had a bit of a smirk or a smidgeon of a chuckle. That’s ok! : ) Maybe we didn’t get the lion’s share of drawing talent when the Lord handed out artsy kinds of gifts, but we tried. At our most recent Professional Development Course1, three pastors in the group teamed up with me to draw an image of an ancient Roman coin. The old coin pictures an ox standing in front of an altar and a plow. The altar symbolizes a sacrificial death; the plow symbolizes a lifetime of service. Underneath the picture are the words
Continue reading “Ready for Either”Ready for either.