A Purpose to Feed

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails (Prov 19:21)

Missionaries from the Wisconsin Synod (WELS) began to offer advanced training for pastors of The Lutheran Church of Cameroon (LCC) in 1979. Two decades later, the WELS helped construct a seminary campus for the LCC in the town of Kumba. One of the buildings served as a cafeteria.

After the first cohort of students graduated in 1999, the campus remained inactive for 24 years.

In 2016 the LCC re-started its worker training program. The LCC’s Board for Worker Training decided to let the students prepare their own meals, and the cafeteria remained unused. It fell into disrepair, unfortunately.

The first new cohort of pastoral students in 23 years graduated in 2022. The second cohort of students is now finishing their first year of studies. The LCC’s Board for Worker Training saw that their maintenance budget was underspent. So they decided to repurpose the cafeteria building into a library using the remaining funds.

They brushed out a LOT of dust and cobwebs. They replaced some ceiling boards and gave the building a fresh coat of paint. If I make it sound like a short and easy job, I’m misrepresenting the process. The back room off the side of the school office had not been accessible for 18 years so again, more dust and cobwebs.

In a relatively short time, the new library building was ready for books. The LCC had quality reference books in storage – it’s about time to get them out, and they will significantly enhance the worker training program.

Pastor Mesue Israel is an instructor at the LCC’s Seminary

The shelves are cleaned and relocated to what used to be the cafeteria. Instead of feeding the body, this building’s new purpose is to feed minds. May God strengthen these students of God’s Word and develop them into excellent pastors for the Lutheran Church of Cameroon.

Missionary Dan Kroll lives in Malawi and is the OAT liaison to West Africa.

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