Hills to Conquer

LCCA Malawi Pastors enrolled in BDiv course

Oh, the hills. How striking they were as Howie Mohlke, his wife Leslie, and I drove east from Lilongwe, Malawi down toward Lake Malawi.

So were the sloping tea fields and the hills and valleys in the Sondu area of western Kenya when I saw them a few weeks later with Anariko Onunda: stunning.

Tea fields span the slopes in Western Kenya for miles

Why tell you about hills?

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Befriend a Mission

slide from mission presentation

Pastors in the United States spend a lot of time alone. They work alone to prepare sermons and Bible studies. They sit in their office getting themselves organized for meetings and various events. When a member drops in for an unannounced visit, most Pastors welcome the interruption. I feel the isolation even more acutely as a world missionary. There aren’t any church members that might drop in for a visit. I work remotely with the leaders of national churches across the continent of Africa.

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Household of Believers

confirmation of seven new members of the LCE

Crispus, the synagogue leader, and his entire household believed in the Lord; and many of the Corinthians who heard Paul believed and were baptized (Acts 18:8)

It’s natural to share the Gospel with the members of our family household. We have many opportunities to apply God’s Word as we spend time together with people we love. However, it can also be very difficult to share our faith with our family, because no one knows our weaknesses and failures better than the members of our own household.

Nearly one out of two Ethiopians are members of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the historic faith of the Ethiopian nation. Although there is freedom of religion in Ethiopia, Christians of other Protestant denominations make up a very small minority. Yet in spite of these significant cultural challenges, the Lutheran Church of Ethiopia (LCE) is growing, as its members share their faith one household at a time.

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