Milestone on the Road to Partnership

Greetings from Uganda!

One Africa Team (OAT) Representatives Missionary Howard Mohlke (OAT Leader) and Missionary John Holtz (OAT Liaison to Uganda) met with the leadership of the Obadiah Lutheran Synod (OLS) in March 2022. This was another meeting among many (in-person and online) that have taken place since 2018.  It was back then that they began working through the Four Stage process to declare doctrinal unity and fellowship.  It has been a long and adventurous road! 

This March meeting marked a memorable milestone occasion: OLS leadership wrote a draft (but official) request for doctrinal unity/fellowship with WELS!  Together with that request, they have also written a summary of doctrine and practice and a report describing the relationship between OLS and WELS/OAT.  After our in-person meeting, the OLS has again met on their own to finalize and formalize their draft documents.  These documents will be sent to the WELS/OAT for consideration.

The executive committee of Obadiah Lutheran Synod (OLS)

In addition to the OLS leadership writing official documents, the visit was fruitful in other ways: 

We shared the Word of God

Missionary Howard Mohlke delivers a morning devotion

We visited OLS congregations

Obadiah Lutheran Church in Sironko
Obadiah Lutheran Church in Jewa

We visited South Sudanese refugees in two different settlement camps

At the Kiryandongo refugee settlement camp
at the Rhino refugee settlement camp

The Lord has opened doors for mission work in Africa. What a joy to walk through them. Thank you all for your partnership in the gospel.  What a blessed relationship it is! We appreciate your prayer, encouragement, and financial support as we “work while it is day!” (John 9:4)

Missionaries John Holtz and Howard Mohlke live in Malawi

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