You Can’t Quit

She is hurrying. Who wouldn’t? Her daughter’s struggle is awful.

Her daughter’s struggle with what? School? Medical issues?

Demonic torment.

can't quit

“Have mercy on me, Lord,” the mother cries. “Oh, Son of David!” (What a name for a Canaanite woman to give a Jewish man.)

“My daughter … the demon is hurting her so badly.”

Jesus does not answer her.

That story is for us, dear reader. In it Jesus and his disciples are far from home. They are abroad, up north by Tyre and Sidon—modern Syria.

In February Pastor Howie Mohlke and I left our Zambian homes. We too went to a country north of us.

I was in Sondu, Kenya for two weeks. Three pastors in the Lutheran Churches in Mission for Christ (LCMC) and I learned and practiced adult education.

Sondu is located in Southwestern Kenya

Pastor Mohlke flew up for the second week. Near Sondu in Chabera he led a workshop for LCMC lay preachers—over 50 of them.

At the end of our time with our brothers, one of them, LCMC Bishop Richard Ogosi Amayo, led us all in a service of holy communion.

can't quit

In that closing service Howie preached from Matthew 15:21–28, the story of Jesus and the Canaanite woman with the demonized daughter.


Does demonic torment seem as distant to you as East Africa? Something far away, something mostly just in Jesus’ day?

Millions of Americans figure that Satan is not just far away, he is fake. Your African brothers and sisters in Christ know better. Many have fears you may not.

Demonic Pentecostal preaching is spreading in Sub-Saharan Africa. Witch doctors advertise even in upscale urban neighborhoods.

Why would Christians be tempted to run, not to Jesus, like the Canaanite woman? Why try charms or traditional healers?

What a liar, our old evil foe. He means deadly woe. God seems distant. Other help seems closer.

God seems slow. Other options seem faster.

The Swahili proverb I learned from my Kenyan brothers in our course on dialogue education was Haraka, haraka, haina baraka. (“Ha-RA-ka, ha-RA-ka, high-EE-na ba-RA-ka.”)

That is, “haste, haste, there is no blessing.”

The Bible says similarly: “Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes” (Proverbs 19:2 NLT).

It’s not just true in education. All those sayings remind me of another African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

That sums up a key aspect of what Howie Mohlke and I were doing in Sondu and Chabera, Kenya. Our LCMC partners asked your One Africa Team for help. “Let’s work together,” they said, “in training for practical action in Christ.”

The result may mean this time, classes for veteran pastors on a master’s degree level. Those brothers teach future pastors in online evening classes.

Or the request may lead to a workshop for men learning for the first time how to study a short section of the Bible and preach specific good news about Jesus from it.

No matter what, we go together.

Jesus’ disciples didn’t want to go together with the Canaanite woman, did they? “Send her away,” they tell Jesus. “She keeps bothering us.”

How that must sting. Can you imagine how afraid and ashamed she must already feel, with all the battering her daughter is getting from the demon?

(Did the mother feel responsible somehow? And where is the father? What about any other relative or friend? Why does she come to Jesus all alone?)

You can’t know fully the demon’s agenda in abusing her daughter.

Nor can you know the depth of why Jesus at first answers her pleas with nothing. He tells her he is only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.

But that’s not the whole story. Jesus wants so much to help her and her daughter.

Today too prayers for help to Jesus can seem so futile. Nothing is happening, we conclude. After we pray, all we hear is heaven’s door being slammed. Bolts click. Lock after lock closes, almost audibly.

But do you know how it went with the Canaanite woman? A door opens.

How? The woman doesn’t quit. She kneels before Jesus.

Jesus tells her, “It isn’t right. You don’t take the children’s bread and throw it to dogs.”

Nevertheless, she doesn’t quit.

“Yes, Lord,” she admits. “Yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master’s table.”

“Woman,” Jesus beams, “your faith is great. Let it be done for you as you want.”

Just as when God said, “Let there be light,” as soon as he says it … You can’t imagine her joy. Her daughter is whole again.

Ever notice that the only times Jesus in the Gospels heals someone from a distance—the centurion’s servant in Matthew 8, the Canaanite woman’s daughter here, and possibly the royal official’s son in John 4—it involves a foreigner?

So two biggies, friend. I’m on my knees before you, almost like the Canaanite woman before Jesus. Please.

1. The man who writes down the story that Howie Mohlke was preaching in Kenya—Matthew? He is Jewish, right? So are all the apostles.

But Jesus keeps hinting to his fellow Jews that his church will be multinational. Worldwide. Gentiles will fill it.

Matthew, we think, writes mainly to Jewish believers. They struggle so with God’s paradigm shift.

Demonic terrors, crazy situations, cross-cultural barriers. Such will not be the exception. They are all part of God’s plan.

2. Delays too. I mean, Jesus prayed the most desperate prayer, didn’t he? And it didn’t look like God was answering at all, did it?

Jesus died all alone in place of us all. Jews. Gentiles. Kenyans. Americans. Everybody.

So don’t quit praying. For Everybody.

Pray for missionaries far away. Pray for gospel victories close to home.

Whatever Jesus says happens. What does he tell the desperate woman? “Let it be done for you as you want.” Boom. Whatever Jesus says happens.


Then why pray for others? Why pray much for others? Maybe with people who look different from us, people with lives that seem in shambles, it feels easiest to shoo them away. We are like the Twelve.

We are like the woman too. God may seem slow. Prayer to God seems slow. Other options seem faster.

What if in Christ you don’t quit? What if right now you pray for someone who is lost? (Your daughter? A friend’s child?)

You can’t quit! What if you keep praying for the Spirit of God to lead many more people to trust in the Son of God for the glory of God?

You can’t quit! What if you pray every day, even when so much bad stuff doesn’t go away, or God seems to impose yet another delay? “Have mercy, Lord.”

What if Jesus really is David’s direct descendant, a man just like us, and King over everything? “Oh, Son of David.”

Darkest powers, you can’t be too close to their web. Jesus is stronger.

You can’t have done anything too bad. It’s already paid for.

You can’t have failed to do enough good. He was perfect in your place.

You can’t be too distant. The Canaanite woman’s daughter proves it.

You. Can’t. Quit. Keep praying. Pray to Jesus for that other person. Today.

Missionary Dan Witte and his wife Debbie live in Lusaka, Zambia.

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news, and receive updates. Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts at

Have No Fear, Little Flock

A little flock gathered in Douala, Cameroon Monday, August 28 through Friday, August 31.

We were six sheep. Six shepherds.

Two from Christ the King Lutheran Synod of Nigeria— Pastor Idorenyin Joshua Udo and Pastor Aniedi Paul Udo;

Two from the Lutheran Church of Cameroon— Pastor Mesue Israel Muankume and Pastor Ngalame Gervase; and

Two from the WELS One Africa Team— Pastor Dan Kroll and Pastor Dan Witte. Kroll lives in Lilongwe, Malawi. I live in Lusaka, Zambia.

little flock
L-R: Ngalame Gervase, Aniedi Udo, Mesue Israel, Dan Witte, Dan Kroll, Idorenyin Udo

My brother in Wisconsin asked me before the trip, “Why are you going there?”

I told him, “It’s kind of a week-long faculty meeting.” Four West African pre-seminary and seminary professors meet with two missionaries. They have experience helping West African Lutheran seminaries.

But it was more than a faculty meeting, brother. Sister, it was more.

It was a prayer meeting. We prayed before all our meals together. We prayed at the start, middle, and end of all our meetings.

One of the Cameroonian pastors set the tone on the first day.

little flock

Pastor Israel led us in singing and prayer. He focused us on  Luke 12:32. There Jesus tells his twelve disciples, “Have no fear little flock, for your Father was delighted to give you the kingdom.”

The kingdom. The reign of God is most merciful in human hearts.

But the men Jesus is talking to will run away from him in fear the night he needs them most.

One of them will deny Jesus first. One will betray. Jesus knows. Oh, does he know.

So, “Have no fear little flock,” Jesus says, “for your Father was delighted to give you the kingdom.”

The kingdom. The one-and-only.

The cumulative impact of all the Father has always been doing, royally, redemptively, through his Son and Spirit, and always will.


Who is this man, talking to these twelve other men in Israel?

How does this man know what made their Father happy?

He is God’s Son, you say.

Okay. How can he claim that his Father is their Father too?

How humble is Jesus, not telling these men, “My Father was tickled to give you our kingdom”?

How humble is he, when he should be the one most afraid, as he goes to the cross, telling them not to be afraid?

And you, brother. You, sister. You, sheep of the Good Shepherd.

In Doula met six sheep for a week-long faculty meeting, a prayer meeting, a preparation-for-the-upcoming-school-year meeting, a let’s-become-better-educators meeting.

We were six men from four countries in a friendship meeting. We laughed a lot.

We could have cried a lot too.

We discussed problems. We could have opened up more about our worries. So many fears, we harbor. Those are hard to admit. We six—secretive sinners. But Jesus laid down his life for us all.

And Jesus lives.

Who are you with today as you read this? Are you by yourself? Are you with a few other believers?

Your Father was thrilled to give you the kingdom.

Why do you ever fear anything, when Jesus’ Father is giving you everything?

Have no fear, little flock.

Pray for the same fearlessness in the five students who will soon start again studying for pastoral ministry in Kumba, Cameroon. Pray in Christ for the ten students starting a new school year soon in Uruk Uso, Nigeria.

Our sister ministry training schools in West Africa are small. Difficulties? Huge.

Bigger than anything: “Your Father delights to give you the kingdom.”

Missionary Dan Witte lives in Lusaka, Zambia.

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news, and receive updates. Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts at

The Chameleon and the Snake

Do you know about Lumvwi (“chameleon”) and Njoka (“snake”)? Let’s re-tell their story in several sections since I have a second African saga to share.

That tale is true. From October 24 through November 21 Dr. Al Sorum of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and I led others on a learning journey. We met with brothers and sisters in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia. We focused on stories from God’s Word.

L-R: Dr. Al Sorum, Debbie Witte, Percy Kalyobwe, Dan Witte

A Conversation Over Food

First, though, imagine God wants to talk with Lumvwi, the chameleon. Why? God made all things very good. He created Adam and Eve in his image, in his likeness.

But they ruined everything. You know the story. Death fills this world, like smoke pervading a room, for we all have sinned. Even wounds that heal leave scars. All human skin wears out. Bodies wear out. Everyone perishes.

“They need new skin,” the Creator announces. So God summons Lumvwi.

“Listen, Lumvwi,” God says. “I have something for you to take to humankind. Hurry! Tell people I sent you. Give them this.”

Lumvwi (chameleon)

He holds out a tiny present. “I trust you, Lumvwi. You are fast. Go now!”

Lumvwi takes off for Earth quick as lightning. He holds the package under his arm.

When he gets to a river he pauses. He is so thirsty.

Njoka (snake) is drinking there too. “Sssay, Lumvwi (Chameleon),” he hisses. “Essspecially ssspeedy today! What are you up to?”

“God sent me,” Lumvwi says between gulps of water. “He has something for people.”

Njoka hates people. They walk so tall. They fear snakes. Some kill snakes. And God attends to them more than all the rest of his creation. Jealousy fills Njoka: “Why would God give them another gift?”

Then he has another thought: “What could I do to keep them from getting this gift, whatever it is?”

“Sssay, Lumvwi,” Snake hisses. He comes closer to Lumvwi and the gift. “Ssso ssspecial to sssee you again!”

Njoka (snake)

“My family hasss missssed you. Sssometimesss other relativesss ssstop by for mealsss. But not you. Perhapsss you sssussspect you sssurpassss the ressst of usss.”

Even the suggestion bothers Lumvwi. “Oh no, cousin,” Lumvwi replies. “I would be so honored to eat with you sometime.”

“Sssay,” Njoka suggests, “why not now? My wife hasss lunch ready. She would be so pleasssed to sssee you dine with usss!”

“Oh, dear,” Lumvwi thinks.

“God told me to hurry,” he tells Njoka. “Perhaps some other time?”

“Yesss, yessss,” hisses Njoka. “Jussst as I thought. Too good for the likesss of usss! Ssspeed along with your busssinessss.”

Lumvwi looks at the sun, high in the sky. “Maybe I can have a quick lunch with Njoka and his wife,” he thinks, “and still have time to deliver the gift.”

“Wait, Cousin,” Lumvwi blurts out. “I’m sorry. I would love to eat with you. Why don’t we do so now? I’ll get back to business right afterward.”

“Oh, Lumvwi,” Njoka replies.“Thank you.” He tries to sound humble. “What an honor for usss.” He leads Lumvwi off.

Why a made-up story of Lumvwi and Njoka (Chameleon and Snake) talking, then eating? For one, Al Sorum and I had so many good conversations and meals with God’s people in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia over four weeks.

chancel drama in a church of the LCMC Kenya


Each of us exchanged our own stories. We discussed God’s mission to save the world through his Son.

In all three locations, Al especially taught gospel outreach—personal and congregational. In Kenya, I led learning about the Augsburg Confession. Both Al and I stressed stories.

Al led off with the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus from Luke 19. “What is evangelism?” he asked. “It’s going to people. It’s telling God’s good news to people who are between God’s light and Satan’s darkness.”

We discussed more stories. Three of my favorites: 1) John 4— the woman at the well, 2)  Luke 15—the waiting father, and 3) John 12— the Greek men who wanted to see Jesus.

Pastors in Zambia discuss Bible stories to share with others

Participants rehearsed one of those, or another favorite good news story about Jesus. Then we all hit the streets to share the gospel with others.

Al Sorum and Kosmos met on a busy street in Lilongwe, Malawi

In all three settings (Kenya, Malawi & Zambia), we loved hearing each other’s witnessing stories after we regrouped. Pastor Frank asked a vendor at a market in Sondu, Kenya, “Why are your bananas so small?” That led to a great gospel conversation. There were too many others to tell.

Pastors and Evangelists in Kenya

Brand New Skins

Back to our fable:

Njoka’s wife was so hospitable to Lumvwi. “Have more,” she kept saying.

Lumvwi ate so much he could hardly move. “This is such good beer, too,” he told his hosts. Lumvwi forgot all about his mission from God.

Njoka smiled slyly. Lumvwi’s head nodded. His eyelids drooped. Soon Lumvwi slept.

“What isss ssso funny, my husssband?” asked Njoka’s wife. She took Lumvwi’s sleep as a compliment.

“Sssee thisss?” Njoka hissed. He slid God’s gift out from under Lumvwi’s arm.

“What isss that?” she asked.

“Sssomething from God,” Njoka laughed.

Njoka tore open the tiny package. Its contents expanded.

“Ssay!” he exclaimed, lifting something from the box. “New skins. God ssseemsss to have has sssent us new ssskinsss. Whenever our old onesss wear out let usss change into new onesss.”

group of Pastors in Malawi

Njoka laughed again, louder. He woke Lumvwi. The sleepy guest took one look at what he had brought along, now open. He realized how foolish he had been.

“No, Njoka.” Lumvwi begged. “Those are not for you. They are for people. God sent me on a mission to humankind. Give them back.

When Njoka said nothing, Lumvwi stretched out his hands. “Please, Njoka! I need to fulfill my mission. Give the skins back.”

But Njoka refused. He kept up his evil laugh. He held the skins too far away for Lumvwi to reach them. Then he slithered off with them. “Hah, cousssin. Now thesssessskinsss are oursss.”

snake and chameleon
Lumvwi & Njoka

When you think about God’s mission to save the world, does it crush you? Scare you?

On the evening of the first Easter Jesus told his disciples, “As the Father has sent me, I also am sending you” (John 20:21).

Go and save the world? Me?

“Why would God still want me to go tell his story to others?” we think. “I have gotten so distracted. I have failed so many times.”

The real snake … is still such a liar. First, the devil distracts us from God’s mission. Then he accuses us day and night. “You are such failures,” he hisses.

We start thinking the same. “I’m so worthless.”

The snake, the devil says, “It’s hopeless. God could never forgive anyone like you.”

But God not only forgives you, he sees you as holy. He invites you to be part of his worldwide mission. And he prizes all you do in his name.

Jesus said to Zacchaeus up in a tree, “You come down. I have to go to your house today.” He did that in your place. God sees you as if you were Jesus.

Zacchaeus in the sycamore-fig tree (Luke 19:1-10)

Because Jesus was fearless, and because Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost, not only did Jesus redeem you by his blood. His holy life counts for you too. God sees you as someone who has perfectly fulfilled his mission for us all: “Go and save the world.”

Yes, the world is ruined. Jesus is going to come on the last day and judge the whole world. And he will give new skin, like his skin, to everyone who trusted in him.

We don’t know what we are going to be like with our new skin, but we know we are going to be like him. We will see him as he is.

group of Pastors in Zambia

So our African fable ends quite differently from that story—the best, truest story.

As the sun sank Lumvwi felt sick. Njoka had betrayed him. And he had disobeyed God. He had failed.

Some say this is why still today snakes shed their old skins and have new skins. And it is also why, some say, chameleons no longer move fast. They hide a lot. They hide in the crooks of trees. They cling to branches. They fear facing God and man.

How about you?

As surely as Jesus lives, you have nothing to fear. You have nothing to fear from the God who equips you with his Spirit to tell others the story of his Son. You have nothing to fear from anyone you tell that story to either.

Please beg the Lord of the harvest to keep sending out workers into his harvest field—you too.

Pastor Dan Witte heads the Confessional Lutheran Institute for the One Africa Team of WELS World Missions. He and his wife Debbie live in Lusaka, Zambia.

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news and receive updates. Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts at