Pinpointing the One Africa Team (O.A.T.) and Pastoral Studies Institute (P.S.I.) united target in Liberia
Every mission trip needs clear objectives. On our recent trip to Liberia we had two: 1) Introduce record-keeping to help people understand that this is a proper program rather than simply a series of workshops, and 2) Bring together the Confessional Lutheran Church of Liberia (CLCL) and the Royal Family Fellowship International (RFFI) into one group to whom OAT and PSI can bring a unified program of study. With Pastor Dennis Klatt, we came with the truth of Scripture for the first two weeks of February, 2109.
In effort to make this a truly Liberian program: it was agreed to take four leaders from CLCL and three from RFFI to form a “Joint Education Committee.” Those men are working on a system of organization now. As they plan their own program, our focus becomes more pinpointed and better understood, so that we are all together in our efforts to develop the Lord’s kingdom here in Liberia.
Many of our “students” already carry the name “Deacon” or “Pastor” in their congregation, but might not have clear standards of what that means – it can change from one group to the next. It was fascinating to me to have a conversation about titles with one of the CLCL leaders on a Wednesday, and by Thursday in class, people were addressing one another with the title “student,” explaining “we don’t want to get wrapped up in titles.” In a similar situation, I used the word “heresy” to explain the importance of our teaching only truth; within two hours, the same students brought it up in Pastor Klatt’s class: “Is that heresy?” It seems they are listening, learning and applying whatever they hear. The Holy Spirit is working here!
As we look at these two different groups forming into one, they agreed that they would like a particular curriculum to know what the final target is going to be and to know, at any given time, how far along they were toward reaching that goal. On this particular visit, we took attendance and evaluated students to give grades. We will then have an objective opportunity to evaluate exactly where our students are in their understanding and helps us teachers to know whether or not we are teaching well.
Some of the courses taught in the past will be reviewed at the next visit and a test taken so we have a record for it. On this visit we taught:
- Level One – Aiming for a “Deacon” or “Elder” Certificate
- BIC course – Pastor Klatt
- Storying through Genesis – Pastor Kroll
- Level Two – Aiming for “Evangelist” or “Pastor” Diploma
- The Three Ecumenical Creeds – Pastor Klatt
- Teaching Bible Class – Pastor Kroll
… But we are just beginning – completing this program will require commitment!
It’s a pleasure to work amongst people who don’t regularly hear the truth of Scripture. On this visit, we taught about sixty-eight students in the two levels of courses. Perhaps not all of them will stick with the program for the full ten years, but we praise the Lord for their desire to better understand the opportunity to share the love of our Savior to a struggling world!
To God’s glory,
Missionary Dan Kroll