They repacked their backpacks. They said their goodbyes. They set out to travel over rough, potholed roads to return home. Many would travel over two days. They faced numbing hours of uncomfortable public transport (think of over-used, over-crowded vans, not Greyhound Buses). Most of them would walk for miles next to busy highways that would be clouded in exhaust fumes. They would arrive home covered with gritty, milk-chocolate-colored African dust.
No one minded.

These 40 Lutheran Church of Central Africa pastors came to Lilongwe, Malawi for a week of professional growth and prayer, as well as fellowship with each other and focused-time with their Savior. They came the final week of July to take their turn at the LCCA’s annual continuing education week.

Was it worth the sacrifice? The time away from family? The hard work of mastering courses in principles of Christ-centered worship and Bible interpretation? Here’s a sample of their evaluations.
- This course has helped me to pay close attention to my sermons so that the gospel dominates.
- I have been reminded to make Jesus the center of my sermons, worship, and everything else.
- I have [sharpened] my method of interpreting the Word of God so that I can continue proclaiming it in its purity.
- The things taught and shared were all practical.
- One week [of continuing education] is not enough. We need at least two weeks.
- It helped me open my mind to use all the necessary tools when interpreting the Bible.
- It reminded me that, no matter the situation – in sorrow, pain, or happiness, we have to balance law and gospel. But the gospel must have the loudest word.

James Aderman lives in Greenfield, WI
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