Mama Israel’s New Kitchen

Maria Israel prepares a meal for her family

“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For Scripture says…’the worker deserves his wages.’” (1 Timothy 5:17-18) But in spite of North Americans’ best intentions to help their African brothers in Christ, cultural differences must be taken into consideration.

About a year ago, Dean of Students Mesue Israel and his family moved into the new house on the Bible Institute/Seminary campus in Kumba, Cameroon. The house was generous gift from one of our WELS congregations. As much as we try to keep all things African here, our contractor included a kitchen in the house. Maybe he assumed that Pastor Israel’s family had or wanted a gas stove, but they don’t. Mama Israel, the wife of Pastor Israel, prefers to cook with firewood because of the cost and simplicity of use.  For over one year Mama Israel has been patient and uncomplaining about no place to start a cooking fire.

Last week, I passed by the Israel home and saw that somebody had brought them some scrap wood and a few used sheets of corrugated tin roofing. Mama Israel finally has a kitchen she can use!!

Why is this awesome? When North American missionaries work in developing countries, sometimes they feel that they must provide what is needed by the local pastors and their families. However, the Israel family never asked the WELS to help them build their new kitchen.

Pastoral students of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon

WELS does provide significant assistance to the Lutheran Church of Cameroon in the training of their pastors. However, Pastor Israel made this spiritually mature statement: “We can take care of ourselves.” As the Bible says, “The one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.” (Galatians 6:6)

God bless you Mama and Pastor Israel!  We pray your trusting spirit and faithfulness will be noted  and imitated by many. To God be the Glory.

Missionary Dan Kroll, Cameroon

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