Faithful Servant of God

Pastor George Mpule

“Be thou faithful unto
death, and I will give you a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10)

 I heard my pastor say
those words many times, specifically after he blessed a new confirmand.  A good reminder of the confirmands promise to
stay faithful to the word of God, even to the point of death.

“Faithful”….that is a word that comes of mind to describe Pastor George Mpule, who was my pastor for 11 years in Ndola, Zambia.  During times of growth, prosperity and joy in his church, he was faithful.  During times of difficulty, suffering and struggle, he was faithful then too.   His life is proof of that…

Pastor Mpule was not raised in a believing home, but when he
was 24 years old he was invited to the Lutheran Church and heard the preaching
of Missionary Mark Wendland.  The Spirit
was at work and George recognized that this preaching was different than the
preaching he had heard before. What he was now hearing was the pure gospel,
based on the Scriptures alone.  Not long
after he became a member of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa. 

 After serving as a
faithful member for several years, in 1977 he was recommended by Pastor Mbulo
to train for public ministry at the Lutheran Bible Institute.  It was during this time that he met his wife
Rose and they married in 1979.  Their
faithfulness to one another has been an example to countless young people in
the last 40 years.

Pastor Mpule and his wife at his retirement celebration

In 1980 Pastor Mpule was assigned as an Evangelist at Mwiimba
and Sibbaba Congregation in Monze District. 
His quiet faithfulness caught the attention of Pastor Jeff Gunn, who in
1985 recommended Pastor Mpule for studies at the Lutheran Seminary.  After studying for 3 years he was sent to
Shabasonje Congregation, followed by the congregation at Seven, where he served
as a Vicar for two years.

In 1990 Pastor Mpule saw the rewards of his hard work and
faithful dedication, when he graduated from the Lutheran Seminary and was
assigned to the congregation at Seven, where he had vicared.  In 1992 Pastor Mpule accepted a call to Mt.
Sinai in Ndola, where he served until 2003 when he accepted a call to Matero
Congregation in Lusaka District.

Pastor Mpule and his wife with the Krolls in 1999

Faithfully every Sunday, Pastor Mpule would literally point
to the cross during the sermon and remind us that our sins are forgiven through
faith in Jesus.  It’s been 16 years since
I was a member of Pastor Mpule’s congregation, but my husband and I recently
had the opportunity to attend his church for his farewell/retirement from the public
ministry, after faithfully serving his Lord for 39 years.  Faithful…that is the word that sums up Pastor
George Mpule.  Blessings on your
retirement, Pastor.

Karen Kroll and her
husband Dan serve as missionaries to West Africa and are currently based in

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