Motorbike Ministry

Pastor Ammon Macherenga must wait while his bicycle is repaired before he can continue on his way to serve his congregation

While Americans look at bicycles as a children’s toy or a piece of exercise equipment, in Africa bicycles are the main means of transporting people and goods for a large segment of the country. Malawians use bicycles to move wood, sacks of grain, furniture, chickens and goats from home to market. Bicycle taxi drivers move customers quickly and efficiently around town.

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Pinpointing the One Africa Team (O.A.T.) and Pastoral Studies Institute (P.S.I.) united target in Liberia

Every mission trip needs clear objectives.  On our recent trip to Liberia we had two:  1) Introduce record-keeping to help people understand that this is a proper program rather than simply a series of workshops, and 2) Bring together the Confessional Lutheran Church of Liberia (CLCL) and the Royal Family Fellowship International (RFFI) into one group to whom OAT and PSI can bring a unified program of study.  With Pastor Dennis Klatt, we came with the truth of Scripture for the first two weeks of February, 2109.

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Making a statement in Cameroon

It was reported in the news that the hospital had been intentionally set ablaze.  Other reports include private homes burned down and fairly regular gun battles between the military and the separatists (who wish to secede from La Republic du Cameroon).  Many people are being killed while others are losing all they have.  We have refugees galore who have run from their homes in fear, and it’s safe to say that most of the population in the Southwest and Northwest Regions of Cameroon (where WELS carries out the bulk of its mission work) are discourage – inclined to give up.

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