Manna from Heaven

Malawian Lutherans meet at church every Sunday to dine on the riches of God’s Word

It’s Sunday morning. You wake up and get yourself dressed and ready to go to church, just like you do every Sunday. You arrive at church and quickly get caught up in a conversation about your favorite football team’s chances of winning the Super Bowl this season. The bell starts ringing and you quickly slip into the fourth pew from the front on the left side, where you always sit next to Mr. & Mrs. Keaton, the delightful retired couple from Michigan. The quiet rumble of friendly chit chat immediately ceases when the organist introduces the first hymn…and then you notice that the pastor’s chair is empty.

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Learning to Love Malawi

Recently I’ve been digging through old photos, looking over the 25 years I’ve lived in Malawi as a missionary wife. There are an amazing amount of memories that come to mind looking over those pictures. My husband, Paul, was assigned to Malawi when he graduated from the Seminary in 1993. In remembering those early years, and comparing them to our life here today, several things came to mind.

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If We Settle on the Far Side of the Sea

How was this winter in Minnesota, where I have been a pastor since 2015? Long. Is that why some of us are moving to Africa, and the others hope to visit? No. Above is our family by the Gulf of Mexico. It was January 1. We were in Sarasota, Florida, where we used to live. From left to right: Dan; Donovan, 14; Drew, 12; Danae, 22; Deb; Deanna 25; Daria, 18; and David, 21. Three of us — Dan, Deb and Drew — are getting ready to head across an even bigger body of water than the Gulf. I’ve been called as theological educator for the One Africa Team.

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