What a Gathering Place!

The Gathering Place. I remember there used to be a small restaurant by that name in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. That was decades ago.  Perhaps it’s still there.  Maybe not.Regardless, it’s a fitting name for a restaurant as the locals would, well, gather.  Eat the special of the day.  Drink endless cups of coffee.  Chat, laugh, share the news and enjoy the stories and the company.

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Heartburn in Liberia

Leaders from two church bodies in Libera recently met with representatives of One Africa Team

Weather-wise and food-wise, some like it hot. Liberia is just the place for both. This smallish West-African country is part of the “Pepper Coast,” so named for the Malagueta Pepper. It’s prevalent up and down the coast and it’s piping hot!  These elongated fire hazards scorch like the November sun sizzling the country.  Doesn’t take much at all to burn the tip of your tongue or the back of your throat.

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A Church is Born in Africa

In Africa you can gather people around God’s word literally anywhere

I have left both shoe leather and sweat on the streets of suburban subdivisions and communist-built housing blocks. I have offered Tennis Camps, Renaissance Faires, Bible giveaways and free English lessons to attract my busy neighbors’ attention. It is no small task to establish a new church in either a home or a world mission setting. But God’s promises still encourage church planters today: “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Cor. 15:58)

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