Ndine Mlendo M’dziko Lachildendo

Ernie & Margie Wendland have been living in Africa for half a century

the title of this post means “I have been a sojourner in a foreign land” (Ex. 2:22 ESV)

The 1960’s was a decade of worldwide social and political upheaval. It was the era of MLK and the Civil Rights movement, and African independence from the French and British colonial empires. In 1968 a young graduate from a small Midwestern pastor-training college joined his father and a small team of missionaries in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia to lend a hand teaching students in the Lutheran Bible Institute. That young man’s name was Ernst Richard Wendland, and 52 years later he is still serving the WELS as a missionary in Africa.

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What do you do in Malawi?

Mindy Holtz and Lamson Chimaliro

When I tell others that I live in Malawi one of the first questions they ask me is, “What do you do there?  What is your job?  How do you spend your time?”

For many years my answer was, “I’m a housewife.”  Taking care of the kids, husband and home took up most of my time (and still does, minus the kids).  In spite of our “exotic” location living in Africa, the laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning has to be done here as anywhere else in the world.  I get the impression that some people imagine that my life is very interesting.  Perhaps it felt like that a little bit when we first moved to Africa 22 years ago.  But the novelty has long since worn off…

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