But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:10-11)
Fifteen pastors graduated from the Seminary of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon in 1999. For a variety of reasons, only seven of them are still active in the pastoral ministry. By God’s grace and with the help of the Wisconsin Synod, I was called to train a new batch of pastors and set up a “continuous seminary,” so that the Lutheran Church of Cameroon will able to train new pastors on a regular basis. We have started with a two-year Bible Institute, which includes both theological studies like Catechism, Bible History, and Bible Interpretation and secular subjects like English, Science, Storytelling and World History. We are extremely thankful for the teaching assistance given by volunteers Werner Lemke, Harry and Johanna Mears and Kathie Wendland. We have used this time well to monitor the students’ attitudes and potential for future ministry. Sadly, of the 12 men we started with, eight will continue their classroom studies next year when they begin their Seminary studies.

Part of creating a “continuous seminary” is having the right people in the right seats. Pastor Mesue Israel serves as our Dean of students. In addition to teaching some classes, Pastor Israel is largely in charge of attitude and Christian life as well as logistics on campus. Missionary Dan Kroll prepares curriculum and teaches those classes that require development of material.
Ferdinand Fomenyam is a good example of a committed student. Ferdinand (wife Miranda with three children at 17,11, and 7) was raised in the church, in the Northwest District where his father was a church leader. He now serves in the Kumba District. In his youth he was hit by a car and as a result lost his left index finger and has limited movement in his elbow. He is committed to digging into Scripture with all the right questions.
Vincent Ngalame (wife Juliet with four children at age 22, 18,15 and 12) says he decided to study for the ministry because “my wife told me to.” Smart man – and blessed to have such a supportive wife.
David Tembuc (wife Catherine with five children at ages 25, 23, 17, 14 and 7) has served many different congregations as a “Certified Assistant” and now serves as our class “Senior Prefect” – a bit like a class president. All our guys have a story, and all of them committed to serving the Lord with all they have.

Setting up and running a “continuous seminary” in Cameroon requires careful management of finances. While we do have basic equipment such as an overhead projector and a TV and are looking at purchasing computers, we are working hard to create a sustainable campus program that can be maintained by the national church. Even at early stages of development we are giving the responsibility for maintenance of the campus into the hands of the Lutheran Church of Cameroon and our students. We do not want to replicate the WELS Worker Training system here, but rather establish a program that will be owned and eventually operated by the Lutheran Church of Cameroon.

I’m convinced we have a good program with the Lord’s blessing behind it. Please keep us in your prayers so that through our worker training program in Cameroon we continue to build the Lord’s kingdom on the solid foundation of God’s Word.
Dan and Karen Kroll live in Cameroon
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