Have No Fear, Little Flock
A little flock gathered in Douala, Cameroon Monday, August 28 through Friday, August 31.

We were six sheep. Six shepherds.
Two from Christ the King Lutheran Synod of Nigeria— Pastor Idorenyin Joshua Udo and Pastor Aniedi Paul Udo;
Two from the Lutheran Church of Cameroon— Pastor Mesue Israel Muankume and Pastor Ngalame Gervase; and
Two from the WELS One Africa Team— Pastor Dan Kroll and Pastor Dan Witte. Kroll lives in Lilongwe, Malawi. I live in Lusaka, Zambia.

My brother in Wisconsin asked me before the trip, “Why are you going there?”
I told him, “It’s kind of a week-long faculty meeting.” Four West African pre-seminary and seminary professors meet with two missionaries. They have experience helping West African Lutheran seminaries.
But it was more than a faculty meeting, brother. Sister, it was more.
It was a prayer meeting. We prayed before all our meals together. We prayed at the start, middle, and end of all our meetings.
One of the Cameroonian pastors set the tone on the first day.

Pastor Israel led us in singing and prayer. He focused us on Luke 12:32. There Jesus tells his twelve disciples, “Have no fear little flock, for your Father was delighted to give you the kingdom.”
The kingdom. The reign of God is most merciful in human hearts.
But the men Jesus is talking to will run away from him in fear the night he needs them most.
One of them will deny Jesus first. One will betray. Jesus knows. Oh, does he know.

So, “Have no fear little flock,” Jesus says, “for your Father was delighted to give you the kingdom.”
The kingdom. The one-and-only.
The cumulative impact of all the Father has always been doing, royally, redemptively, through his Son and Spirit, and always will.
Who is this man, talking to these twelve other men in Israel?

How does this man know what made their Father happy?
He is God’s Son, you say.
Okay. How can he claim that his Father is their Father too?
How humble is Jesus, not telling these men, “My Father was tickled to give you our kingdom”?
How humble is he, when he should be the one most afraid, as he goes to the cross, telling them not to be afraid?
And you, brother. You, sister. You, sheep of the Good Shepherd.
In Doula met six sheep for a week-long faculty meeting, a prayer meeting, a preparation-for-the-upcoming-school-year meeting, a let’s-become-better-educators meeting.
We were six men from four countries in a friendship meeting. We laughed a lot.
We could have cried a lot too.
We discussed problems. We could have opened up more about our worries. So many fears, we harbor. Those are hard to admit. We six—secretive sinners. But Jesus laid down his life for us all.
And Jesus lives.
Who are you with today as you read this? Are you by yourself? Are you with a few other believers?
Your Father was thrilled to give you the kingdom.
Why do you ever fear anything, when Jesus’ Father is giving you everything?
Have no fear, little flock.
Pray for the same fearlessness in the five students who will soon start again studying for pastoral ministry in Kumba, Cameroon. Pray in Christ for the ten students starting a new school year soon in Uruk Uso, Nigeria.
Our sister ministry training schools in West Africa are small. Difficulties? Huge.
Bigger than anything: “Your Father delights to give you the kingdom.”
Missionary Dan Witte lives in Lusaka, Zambia.
Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news, and receive updates. Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts at https://wels.net/serving-others/missions/africa