An Ambitious, Righteous Plan

Plugging in at an international conference takes a little creativity

I’m on a plane flying back home to Malawi. We just spent some intense days planning what our focus will be for the WELS One Africa Team in the upcoming year. We have a solid plan in place that I’m very pleased with. There’s no way this plan would be as good as it is without the help of the three business minded laymen on our team. I’ll tell you how they helped, but I also have a request. Pass on this post to a couple of your Christian business friends. I think they would be happy to see how business planning skills are a part of the success we are enjoying in our mission to Africa.

Continue reading “An Ambitious, Righteous Plan”

Meet the Felgenhauers

Stefan & Kathy Felgenhauer with their children Louisa, Ana & Benjamin

Stefan Felgenhauer has recently been hired to serve WELS Missions in Africa as the Director of Operations for One Africa Team. Stefan and his wife Kathy have lived in Malawi previously and served WELS through the Kingdom Workers organization. Listen to Stefan as he (re)introduces himself in this week’s post:

Felgs on the move…..this has become our theme.  We’re about to move to Africa for the 3rd time and we couldn’t be more excited!  My wife and I met in Bali, Indonesia, got married in New Ulm, MN and lived in Germany, Canada, the USA and in Malawi (twice).  When we sat down to think about it we realize we’ve never lived in the same house for more than 2 years.  Currently we live in Kansas and it’s true that we there is “no place like home” – we are in this world but not of it and heaven will be where we completely settle down for eternity. Continue reading “Meet the Felgenhauers”

All Glory, Laud and Honor!

No one had to tell the crowd to be exuberant with praise. They just were. (Luke 19:37-38)

No one had to convince the people to shout. They just did. (John 12:13)

No one had to force them to make a welcome carpet out of their clothes. They just had to. (Luke 19:36)

You can no more prevent a song gushing up from the depths of a heart than you can stop Old Faithful from erupting from the deep of the earth. Continue reading “All Glory, Laud and Honor!”
