I’ve been running for a whole year. One trip around the sun and my life is not the same as it was before. I left behind my children, my congregation, and my country. I have spent hundreds of hours repeating tongue twisters and I still get lost in translation. I cope with a shortage of power and an oversupply of insects, and I am taking lessons on patience. Yet the Lord’s steady promises have kept me moving forward in the race I am running as a missionary to Malawi. Continue reading “Relay Race”
Caring for Body and Soul
If you need medical help, you want a care provider that not only understands what’s wrong with your body, but who can also relate to you as a human being. In the modern era of corporate hospitals and medical specialization, it’s a godsend to find a nurse with good “bedside manner” and the ability to connect with their patients. One of the goals of the School of Nursing at Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) is to instill in the hearts of nursing students Christian love and respect for patients regardless of their background. A vital step towards reaching that goal is two weeks of clinical work in Zambia, where the Wisconsin Synod has a well-established connection with the Lutheran Church of Central Africa (LCCA). Continue reading “Caring for Body and Soul”
Kingdom Workers in Malawi
The 1987 WELS Synod Convention encouraged the establishing of a lay organization to support home and world missions. The organization, now called “Kingdom Workers” (www.kingdomworkers.com) has been involved with Africa missions for a long time. Among the first projects associated with Kingdom Workers was supporting a full-time lay couple to assist the WELS mission in Zambia, Africa. In 2010 former WELS World Missionary Bill Meier became the national executive director of Kingdom Workers. Currently, Kingdom Workers partners with the Lutheran Church of Central Africa – Malawi Synod congregations to include people with disabilities in church and community life. This week’s post features Kingdom Workers staff members Dan and Liana Tyrrell, who manage and train local staff and volunteers, as well as coordinate short-term mission trips by WELS members to Malawi. Listen to Dan and Liana tell their story: Continue reading “Kingdom Workers in Malawi”