It’s cold, go outside and warm up!

“It’s cold, go outside and warm up!”  Anyone growing up in the USA Midwest should find that a little strange.  Mom would say, “It’s cold outside, come in and warm up.”  Inside is warm.  Outside is cold in the winter.  It’s the opposite here in the middle of Malawian winter.

Temperatures get as low as 45°F at night.  All our buildings and houses here are brick and concrete fridges that hold in the cold.  But in the dry, sunny winter it’s 70°F and above during the day.  So, what do you do?  After shivering for a while in my office with my feet on icy concrete, I go out and stand in the warm sun.  Everyone here does it.

One day last month, it was so cold here at the Lutheran Bible Institute, that our students moved all their desks out of the classroom into the sun. I came around the classroom building to see my colleague Rev. Kumchulesi, with our portable blackboard outside and all the students sitting in a warm spot outside. I taught the next class period very happily staying out in the sun with the students.

I could give a dozen other examples of things that seem upside down to this Midwesterner, even after 25 years living here.  Some of those things are much more important than the strangeness of going outside to warm up.

One example is our different cultural views of what is righteousness.

Imagine the eulogy of an American businessman.  This is a bit of a caricature, but I could imagine a eulogy going something like this, “Mr. Hard-Worker was a really, really hard worker.  He provided well for his family.  He built up his business from nothing.  He was gruff and rude, but hey, that’s Fred.”  I think we Americans view hard work as a very high cultural value or righteousness.  Being rude is bad, but not too bad if it means you get work done.

Now, again this is sort of a caricature, but I could imagine this eulogy in these parts, “Mr. Get-Along was a very peaceful man.  He never got angry and was always polite and hospitable.  Of course, he couldn’t hold down a job and was unsuccessful at his farming, but what an admirable man he was.”  Getting along and being polite is a very high cultural value here.  Failing to work very hard is bad, but not too bad if you have managed to get along with everyone.

These big differences in culture can be all at once fascinating, frustrating, enlightening, and depressing for us pastors working in a culture that is very different from our own.   Let me share a more profound difference we’ve been studying that really falls on the side of fascinating and enlightening.

Recently, we have been studying the different views that people groups have on what God requires and what he gives.   Most Westerners like we Americans view things according to a Western law-based view– guilt and innocence.  We talk about the Word that way, too.  God has an unchangeable and unnegotiable demands of us.  We fail to obey but Jesus obeyed for us and put his innocence on us.   The Bible certainly speaks to us in those terms, but it also portrays God’s demands and promises in other ways, ways that probably connect better with people around here.

One way is to think in terms of honor and shame.  We are unworthy and shameful because of who we are and how we are.  But through Christ, our honor in the eyes of the Father is restored.  We are his sons, valued and loved.

Another way to view things is in terms of fear and power.  We are harassed and frightened by the evil powers of Satan, sin, and death.  But through Christ’s power, we have overcome those fears and have confidence before the Father.  God’s Word speaks in all three ways: guilt/innocence, honor/shame, and fear/power.  To me, this is fascinating stuff and gives me new insight as I learn about God and his Word.

If you come to Malawi in the winter, you might have to think upside down.  Go outside when you’re cold.  As you share the Word with others in the USA, consider some ways that might seem upside down.  Who do you know who suffers from shame?  He or she has honor in Christ.  If someone is stressed and fearful, let them know they have power and confidence to even stand before God, in Christ.

Missionary Paul Nitz lives in Malawi and is the Principal of the Lutheran Bible Institute

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news and receive updates. Go to this link to learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts

Kupatsa Ndi Kuika

“Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  (Luke 6:38)

A group of 9 Secondary Students, their Campus Pastor Phil Huebner and his wife Becky are visiting the Lutheran Church of Central Africa in Zambia.  They are from WISCO (Wisconsin Lutheran High School) in Milwaukee, WI.  Their Student Council took on a project to raise money to help purchase motorcycles for Pastors serving in rural congregations in Zambia.

The group arrived in Zambia on the 5th of July.  The Seminary guest House has been their home away from home.  They came to present their gift to the LCCA.  There was also the hope that they could have the opportunity to interact with members of the LCCA, especially those in their peer group.

There was a day visit to Martin Luther School at Mwembeshi, next to our Clinic.  This school had been started by the Mission in 1960 but was taken over by the Government in 1964.  It is still referred to as Martin Luther School.  The group visited each classroom starting with pre-K all the way to grade 12.  They visited, sang songs together, shared their stories, and especially their faith in Jesus.  At the end of the day the USA group from the Student Council of WISCO met with the Martin Luther Student Council .

The WISCO students also had a gift for the School.  They wanted to know what the students themselves thought was the greatest need for their school.  The Student Council of Martin Luther told them how they could help.  It was decided that the students from WISCO could help finish the kitchen where the government provides a feeding program for the children of the Primary School.  It needed a roof!

Day two was a VBS program at the Sunday School class at Malakata Lutheran Church.  The group presented lessons, games and songs to the Sunday School, but they come away with new games and songs that the Sunday School shared with them.

On Sunday there was a worship service deep in the bush at Lifwambula.  The gift of a motorcycle was presented to the Pastor serving there.  The group worshiped in a simple thatched shelter.  Even though the service was in a language they could not understand, they were still filled with joy and awe as they knew the liturgy was the same and the message was true.   Following the service, the Youth Choir sat with the WISCO group and re-sang all their songs in the local language, and translated for the group.  The WISCO youth taught the choir a song in English—”Father I Adore You.”

I think it is safe to say the group accomplished their goals.   The presented their gifts and had the opportunity to interact with different groups.   There is a Proverb used in Zambia that speaks to what the group accomplished.  “Kupata Ndi Kuika”; It means that when you give you are actually putting things in the bank for a time when you will receive back again.

The WISCO group came with gifts for the LCCA and Martin Luther School.  They gave but they were given more in return.  They are returning to the USA with a deeper understanding of another culture.  They learned how you can be very happy and content even when you are not as well off.  They have a zeal and passion for mission outreach.  One student said; “I never thought I would be confident enough to share the Bible Stories and lesson I had learned in grade school, but here in Zambia I could, and I did! … I have more confidence to do the same thing back home!”

Missionary Daniel Sargent lives in Zambia

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news and receive updates. Go to this link to learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in people’s hearts

Two Birds, One Stone

Pastor Daile, Pastor Chilembwe, Pastor Mandevu and Pastor Chinyanga at the Computer/HCC course in the Central Region

We’ve been killing a lot of our flying friends in Malawi lately.

But don’t worry dear bird lovers and ornithologists!  The Crowned Cranes, Fish Eagles and Bee Eaters are safe.  And so are all the other species.  (At least from us!)  Our targets are two birds of a different feather.  We want to 1) sharpen our computer skills and 2) submit timely statistical reports.  Both “birds” seemed to have eluded us in the past – but now they are in our sights.

Sharpen our computer skills.

Most every LCCA Called Worker now has a laptop computer.  WELS has been generous with such gifts.  Some have received computers upon graduation from the Seminary and others received them at different times when requests were considered and granted by the WELS.

Not only did the Malawian Called Workers receive computers, but also an entire library of books and resources from various sources such as the Northwestern Publishing House, Multi-Language Publications and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

What resources are now at the pastors’ fingertips?

Just to name a few…

  • The People’s Bible
  • The People’s Bible Teaching Books
  • Sermon Studies
  • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Essays
  • The Chichewa Bible
  • Greek resources
  • Videos such as The Story of Jesus for Children and the Jesus Film

And so much more!

This amazing library causes no sagging bookshelves. These books have no yellowing pages. No packing and lifting heavy boxes if the pastors are called to another congregation. Needed?  Just a power source and a little “know how” to literally “tap” into a gold mine of Bible information!  But not every pastor had received training how to use the computers. So why not now? And so they are. Computer skills are being sharpened.

One bird down.  And the other?

Submit Statistical (HCC) Reports.

Each year the WELS Board for World Missions (BWM) wants to receive statistical reports from its world mission fields.  Malawi included.  But keeping and submitting statistics hasn’t been a top priority for many in Malawi.

It’s time to start.

The WELS BWM would like each world mission field to look at the “statistical report” in a new light: as Healthy Church Characteristicsor HCC.  The new name speaks for itself and it speaks volumes!  In a paper about the HCC, the WELS Board for World Missions writes:

The Core Mission of the WELS World Missions (WM) is to “Spread the Gospel in a way that empowers others to develop healthy and growing churches.” The mission involves not only the proclamation of the Good News but also the development of a culturally appropriate Word and Sacrament ministry by working with local Christians.  The local Church will become equipped to make the next disciples.” 

Pastor Ellason Kambalame

“The vision of WM is to develop local churches or church bodies that are healthy…development of such a healthy church takes time, planning, effort and above all the Lord’s blessings.  As the work is being planned and implemented, good stewardship compels us to develop tools to evaluate progress and direction of the work….the complementary tool for evaluation is the statistical report WM refers to as the HCC report.”

So that’s the second bird in our sights: submitting, in a timely way, the statistical, or now known as the HCC report.  Here in Malawi, that also means keeping an accurate membership list and monthly reports from the congregations.

But what is this all about really?

WELS President Mark Schroeder answers that question well in his article in the January 2018 issue of the Forward in Christ: A Lutheran Voicemagazine.  He entitled his article, Souls, not Statistics.  He begins the article this way:

“It’s January, and that means WELS congregations have tabulated and submitted their statistics for 2017.  Those statistics track membership, worship attendance, baptisms, confirmations, members joining and leaving as well as congregational finances.” 

Rev. Willard Chipembere baptizing a child.

He goes on to talk about what those statistics revealed:  the slow but steady decline of total membership in WELS; but he also describes a way forward.  He then closes the article in this way:

“In the end, it’s not demographics and statistics that should be our focus and interest.  Out interest should be in the souls that have been bought by the blood of Christ and in remaining faithful to holding onto and proclaiming the message of the gospel. As we address the challenges together, we look to God for the blessings that only he can give.”

Well said!  It’s really all about souls bought by Christ! The whole article is excellently written and worthy of a read.  We used it in Malawi to help us understand what place statistics and HCCs really do have in the big picture.  Though important, they are not the most important.

So the LCCA Called Workers in Malawi are looking at the HCCs now as a tool for their ministry in caring for Jesus’ sheep.  After all, each one is an “under shepherd” of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Another bird down.

And it all happened—and is happening—with one stone:  The Professional Development Program.

The Professional Development Program in Malawi has been set up to address the ministerial needs of the national Called Workers in Malawi.  The Called Workers are given an opportunity to consider and suggest what courses could serve them well.  Past courses included the Psalms, Inductive Preaching, a Marriage Seminar, Cultural Awareness and the Reformation.

Each Professional Development Course is presented to each group of Called Workers. (There are currently 34 Active Pastors. Presently John Holtz is the one serving as the presenter.) Currently there are 5 main groups.  These groups are formed on the basis of geographical location.

There are three regions in the country of Malawi: the northern region, the central region and the southern region.  Currently there is one group of Called Workers in the north, one in the central and three in the south.

So with a lesson and a truck, the Professional Development course hits the road two times a year. The courses are usually one or two day sessions with a follow-up a month or two later.

The Called Workers are now working hard to gather membership lists, teach their own congregation elders to properly fill out monthly reports and eventually submit the HCCs.  At the same time, most of the Called Workers are sharpening their computer skills in doing so!

Two birds. One stone.

Your Malawi Mission Partner,

Missionary John Holtz