Faithful Servant of God

Pastor George Mpule

“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10)

 I heard my pastor say those words many times, specifically after he blessed a new confirmand.  A good reminder of the confirmands promise to stay faithful to the word of God, even to the point of death.

“Faithful”….that is a word that comes of mind to describe Pastor George Mpule, who was my pastor for 11 years in Ndola, Zambia.  During times of growth, prosperity and joy in his church, he was faithful.  During times of difficulty, suffering and struggle, he was faithful then too.   His life is proof of that…

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The Gospel is a Living Language

Prof. Daile served as a parish pastor for ten years before joining the LBI staff. He is a very animated speaker.
Our mission team has a guiding motto, “Christ for All, Great News for Africa.” That battle cry inspires me. For twenty-five years, I have seen first-hand how little Christ is known in Africa. Church is too often about laws and customs, not Christ. But in our Lutheran churches, the gospel of Jesus is heard every Sunday in sermons our African brothers preach. Continue reading “The Gospel is a Living Language”

New Hope

Come over and help us!

This first century request came from a man in Macedonia (Acts 16:9).  Convinced that this plea was an outreach opportunity from God, a four-man team (Luke, Paul, Silas and Timothy) set out on a mission journey to answer the Call and share the gospel of Jesus.

They traveled to various locations, spoke to the local people, visited the places of prayer, “reasoned with the people from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead…” (Acts 17:2, 3)

The gospel did amazing things.  It gave the people…

New Hope.

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