Our Mission is to Spread the Word of God

What a story— and you are in it. One part of the story starts when Bright Pembeleka was young.

A bright student, Pembeleka lived up to his name. As he finished high school, he considered studying to be a medical doctor. He could help so many people in his country, Malawi.

Medical maladies often multiply in modern Malawian stories. Think HIV, TB, malnutrition, diabetes, mental illness.

In the U.S., UNICEF says, the under-five mortality rate is 6.5 per 1,000 live births. In Malawi, though, Partners in Health estimates 55 child deaths per 1,000 live births. Every statistic is a story, too.

So wouldn’t it have been good if Bright Pembeleka had served others medically? Sure.

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Meet Pastor Kamwata

Left to right: Alice, Muleya (Rev. Kamwata’s niece), Faith, Mrs Eness Kamwata, Pastor Kamwata, Beatrice, and Clive.

This week’s post is written by guest author David Kamwata, who is a pastor in the Lutheran Church of Central Africa – Zambia Synod.

Personal Background

I was born on 1st November 1969, in Kaoma, a district in the western part of Zambia. I was the second-born in a family of five. My parents were members of a certain Pentecostal church, but they were not very strong Christians. They used to take us (their children) to church once in a long while. As a result, I had the freedom to go to many other different churches in the company of other boys provided there was fun.

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Ndine Mlendo M’dziko Lachildendo

Ernie & Margie Wendland have been living in Africa for half a century

the title of this post means “I have been a sojourner in a foreign land” (Ex. 2:22 ESV)

The 1960’s was a decade of worldwide social and political upheaval. It was the era of MLK and the Civil Rights movement, and African independence from the French and British colonial empires. In 1968 a young graduate from a small Midwestern pastor-training college joined his father and a small team of missionaries in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia to lend a hand teaching students in the Lutheran Bible Institute. That young man’s name was Ernst Richard Wendland, and 52 years later he is still serving the WELS as a missionary in Africa.

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