Even as God once used Aaron to assist Moses, so he moved Benford Kawiliza, a native-born pastor of considerable experience, to mentor Missionary Dan Sargent 28 years ago. That’s how he eventually learned to speak the Chichewa language, and to understand the African culture. He has let his ministry be guided by three meaningful African proverbs. Continue reading “Three Proverbs”
In Youth we Learn, in Age We Understand

The young people of our two sister synods in Nigeria are key components of the lifeblood of the Church. They put their energy, fervent faith, and idealism to work for their faith. As everywhere, young people of our Lutheran synods are the future of their churches. But in Nigeria, the youth play critical roles right now. Continue reading “In Youth we Learn, in Age We Understand”
Mama Israel’s New Kitchen

“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For Scripture says…’the worker deserves his wages.’” (1 Timothy 5:17-18) But in spite of North Americans’ best intentions to help their African brothers in Christ, cultural differences must be taken into consideration. Continue reading “Mama Israel’s New Kitchen”