Prepare for the Real World in the Real World

“Prepare for the real world in the real world.” That was a thought I had as leadership of the mission trip program passed over to my office this last year. For years students of Wisconsin Lutheran High School have been traveling all over the country and even all over the world to serve their Savior and their neighbor. Most trips have been in the United States, but every year there were also a few international trips to places in the Far East, Mexico, and elsewhere. Continue reading “Prepare for the Real World in the Real World”


A New Resident in Our Father’s House

Evangelist Chiumia’s casket covered with a “chitenje” of the LCCA

Evangelist Gibson Chiumia faithfully served God’s people in various congregations of northern Malawi until his retirement from active ministry a decade ago. Last week I had the privilege of attending his funeral. As a new missionary in Africa, this was my first funeral and it made a striking impression on me.

Continue reading “A New Resident in Our Father’s House”


Water for Roots and Fruits

Wives of seminary students during a Bible study

Imagine you go to church.  You know it is time for the Psalm, but in the bulletin you see the heading: Salimo 1. Under it, you try to solve the new puzzle of a new language.

Ngwodala munthu wosatsata uphungu wa anthu oipa,
wosatsanzira mayendedwe a anthu ochimwa,
wosakhala nawo m’gulu la anthu onyoza Mulungu,
koma wokondwerera kumvera malamulo a Chauta,
nkumasinkhasinkha za malamulowo usana ndi usiku.
Munthuyo ali ngati mtengo wobzalidŵa m’mbali mwa mtsinje wa madzi,
ngati mtengo wobereka zipatso pa nthaŵi yake,
umene masamba ake safota konse.
Zochita zake zonse zimamuyendera bwino. Continue reading “Water for Roots and Fruits”
